

Situated approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Negros Island, south of Cebu, and west of Bohol, Siquijor is a limestone rock island that remains relatively unvisited by Filipinos, often associated with the moniker “the Island of Fire” due to its mountain folk healers and spiritual practices. This tranquil rural landscape offers intriguing bell towers, churches, caves, waterfalls, and hidden lagoons with …

We are Good on What we are Doing!

I visited Palawan a month ago and just came back from Boracay, Cebu and Bohol covering most of all our inquiries which routing i check out every now and then. If there are ( major) changes we have to go back again.  Knowledge is based on our own travel experiences, availble info, feedback of the customers and social media. We never had …

Philippines Health Update

Health Restrictions and Lake Taal Tour

UPDATE! Wearing face mask outside is not obligatory anymore since a week but voluntarily. Wearing masks Inside buildings depends on the local goverment and the building owner. QR codes has been abolished except in Sagada. We are not allowed to use our own car anymore to bring our guests to the varied spots in Sagada and we need to book …