Tour description

Duration: 7 Days / 6 Nights

Tour summary :

Manila – Banaue – Batad (*) – Banaue – Bontoc – Sagada – Vigan – Laoag – Vigan – Pangasinan – Hundred islands – Manila.

(*) Provided you have a good level of physical fitness (expect unpaved and narrow mountain trails with steep irregular terrain, usually under a hot sun) and should you wish to trek for three further demanding hours we can offer you:

a) the Tappiya waterfall after Batad.  With a phenomenal 70 metre fall in rainy season and a naturally formed pool at its bottom suitable for a cooling swim ( dress conservatively), Tappiya waterfall is an unique location in the area.

b) Banga-an village instead of Batad. Banga-an village showcases a typical Ifugao community. Wet weather causes damage so the steps need constant renovation. You are rewarded with spectacular views.


7 Days / 6 Nights PRIVATE Banaue, Sagada, Vigan & Hundred Islands

(1 customer review)

From: 62,188.00

This extensive, 7 day tour is for those who enjoy road travel as part of their exploration and want to take in all the Northern Luzon highlights in one trip. The steep, narrow and winding Cervantes road, connecting Sagada to Vigan, is breathtaking in its scenic views, especially if you are lucky enough to see fog hanging over the valley!

The difference from our “5 Days / 4 Nights Cordillera Explorer Tour” is that you will skip Baguio and instead experience the historic Spanish towns Vigan & Laoag plus a half day island hopping among Lingayen’s Hundred Islands, breaking up the journey back to Manila, is built into this tour as well. However, if you don’t want to skip Baguio we can visit Baguio on the way back to Manila instead of visiting Hundred Islands.

Departure time *

Choose your departure time. At this time you will be picked up at your hotel / location.


1 Person : ₱ 122,175.00
2 Persons : ₱ 62,188.00 per person
3 Persons : ₱ 52,480.00 per person
4- 7Persons : ₱ 40,000.00 per person


Day 1: Manila- Banaue

06:30 – depart Manila for Banaue via Nueva Ecija and Nueva Vizcaya and stopping at San Jose for lunch. We then stop at one of the scenic lookout points along Dalton Pass followed by late afternoon arrival in Banaue.

Day 2:  Banaue – Batad Village – Banaue

08:00 – We have an early breakfast and then you depart with your English-speaking local guide. From Banaue Batad is approximately 16 kms away, the first 14 kms of which will be traveled by our privately chartered local jeepney. The rest of the distance is on foot using a mountain trail. The trip to Barangay Batad in Banaue, to witness the amphitheater shaped terraces located at 3600 ft., takes only a 30 minutes hike (*).

(*) Provided you have a good level of physical fitness (expect unpaved and narrow mountain trails with steep irregular terrain, usually under a hot sun) and should you wish to trek for three further demanding hours we can offer you:

a) the Tappiya waterfall after Batad.    With a phenomenal 70 metre fall in rainy season and a naturally formed pool at its bottom suitable for a cooling swim ( dress conservatively), Tappiya waterfall is an unique location in the area.

b) Banga-an village instead of Batad. Banga-an village showcases a typical Ifugao community. Wet weather causes damage so the steps need constant renovation. You are rewarded with spectacular views.

We stop at the panoramic Banaue viewpoint at 4800 Ft. that provides a perfect experience of the enormity & extent of the terraces,  followed by a visit to the Banaue Museum. Banaue Museum features decades-old books by anthropologist Otley Beyer and Igorot artefacts collected by his son William. The museum is on two floors featuring weaponry, jewellery, traditional dress and photographs of Banaue 100 years ago.  

Time permitting we can stop at the market and souvenir shop before dinner.

Day 3: Banaue – Bontoc – Sagada

After breakfast we first visit the Banaue Museum. This features decades-old books by anthropologist Otley Beyer and Igorot artefacts collected by his son William. The museum is on two floors featuring weaponry, jewellery, traditional dress and photographs of Banaue 100 years ago.  

We hit the road and after a 2 hours drive we arrive at Bontoc’s charming Museum of Mt.Cultures with artifacts and unique pictures from the mountain tribes.

Proceed to Sagada, an hour away, and check in at standard accommodation. You will meet with your local, English speaking, guide who will guide you to glimpse the Lumiang Burial Cave near Echo Valley which houses more than 100 coffins stacked in the entrance. The oldest is around 500 years old. Many of them have images of lizards carved on them which are symbols of fertility and long life. We then enter the impressive Sumaguing Cave, known for its rock formations and impressive chambers.

Evening free to mingle with the locals and see the world famous Masferre photos.

Day 4: Sagada – Vigan  

After 07:00 am breakfast (advice to bring snacks/packed lunch) we board for a scenic mountain trail drive using the Cervantes road (approx 8 hours since partly unpaved) to Vigan offering spectacular views. Optional we can make a stop at the monument at the Bessang Pass where the Japanese forces makes their last stand during WWII.

Check in at standard accommodation in Vigan for 2 nights stay.

Day 5: Vigan – Laoag – Vigan

At 08:00 am after breakfast we depart for your guided Vigan tour. Part of this tour you will be driven around in a ”Calesa”, a horse-drawn carriage. Enjoy two different Vigan museums, visit an ancestral mansion and the “Pagburnayan”, a local pottery maker.

After lunch in a relaxing garden setting you will depart for Laoag, another old Spanish town. See Laoag’s Paoay Church, Bell Tower, Marcos Museum & Mausoleum and  Malacanang of the North.

Day 6: Vigan – Pangasinan

After breakfast, proceed to Lingayen, El Puerto Marina Beach Resort (Pangasinan) or Baguio (Le Monet or Camp John Hay Manor), for an overnight stay.

Day 7: Hundred Islands – Manila

1.) After breakfast, we drive in 45 mins to Lucap Wharf, the entry point to Hundred Islands. Enjoy half day island hopping tour to major islands in a private boat.

2.) We spend the morning  on a Baguio City Tour including the Mines View, the Mansion & Wright Park plus a choice of either (a) Wood Carver’s Village & the fabulous BenCab Museum.

Return trip to Manila (approx. 4-5 hrs). Drop off at your hotel / home in Manila estimated at 18:30 pm (depending on weather and traffic conditions).


FREE Pick up 06:30 am from your hotel / home in Manila (*) on Day 1.

(*) If you wish to be picked up either straight from a Manila airport or from Angeles airport, please let us know your details and this can be discussed. Extra costs apply. Please indicate this in your Booking Request Form.

Drop off

FREE Drop off at your hotel / home in Manila estimated at 18:30 pm on Day 7 (depending on weather and traffic conditions).

Things to bring

Sunscreen, hat, insect repellent, refillable water container, walking shoes or strong sandals, swim wear, waterproof jacket, spare dry clothes, (optional) educational giveaways like crayons for children in place of money/candy.

Note_Baggage allowance limited to max. 20 kg per person.

Inclusions & exclusions


-Roundtrip transportation by airconditioned vehicle throughout  with English speaking driver.

– Fuel, toll fees, parking fees & registration fee and taxes.

-6 Nights best available, run of the house accommodation (sharing basis. Single supplement add) incl. 6 breakfasts, taxes & service charges.

– All tours incl. entrance fees, local English speaking guide and transfers as mentioned in itinerary.


Everything else.

Additional Information about guide:

The local regulations insist on the need of a local guide in Banaue and Sagada. Our Banaue Tours include already local guide hire (with basic  English language skills) in Banaue. Should you wish a German, Dutch , Spanish, Russian or French speaking guide (on top of the local guides) throughout your whole tour, this can be arranged by us upon your request in advance and costs approximately Php 4,000.00 additional per day. Food and accommodation for this guide comes still on top of this. Please indicate this as a request in your Booking Form.

1 review for 7 Days / 6 Nights PRIVATE Banaue, Sagada, Vigan & Hundred Islands

  1. Paul, Emilie en Wigger Tims

    Beste Hans,

    Wij zijn alweer 3 weken thuis en kijken terug op een fantastische vakantie op de Filipijnen.
    Graag willen wij hierbij nog enkele opmerkingen maken op het programma.

    Banaue: Leuk hotel, Sanafe Lodge, met heel vriendelijke eigenaresse en bediening. Prima ligging. Kamer eenvoudig en erg vochtig, uitkijkend op het dal.

    Eten, ontbijt en diner goed verzorgd.

    Lokale gids Nick en chauffeur Ben van de jeepney fantastische mensen. Aan de gids heb ik veel (letterlijke) steun gehad bij het afdalen en beklimmen van de rijstterrassen. Programma was prima en gaf een goed beeld van de omgeving.

    Sagada: Hotel St Joseph, triple room in een huisje

    Na aankomst lunch in Sagada en daarna door naar de caves. Lokale gids troffen we daar, maar zijn engels was erg slecht en hij wist ons ook niet erg veel te vertellen. Dankzij andere gidsen hebben wij wat meer achtergrond informatie gehad.Op 2 plaatsen hebben wij de coffins bekeken. Wigger, onze zoon is met een andere gids nog de diepe cave ingegaan, inderdaad niet geschikt voor ons.

    Door het weekend was het heel druk in Sagada zodat de meeste restaurants vol zaten en er zelfs lange wachtrijen ontstonden.

    Op aanraden van Carlos hebben wij voor de zondagavond alvast een reservering gemaakt in restaurant Log Cabin. Prima!

    Zondag de tocht naar Kalinga, de route was prachtig, de wandeling naar het dorp inspannend maar zeer de moeite waard. Behalve de tatoe vrouw heeft hij ons het hele dorp laten zien. Een mooie dag.

    De tocht van Sagada over de bergen en passen was schitterend en we kwamen mooi op tijd aan in Vigan. Prima hotel Luna! Stad verkend ‘s avonds de licht- en water show bekeken.

    Dinsdag Vigan bezocht met Carlos, helaas geen tijd voor de koetsjes daar een bezoek aan een kliniek ingelast moest worden ivm blaasontsteking. Wel nog bekeken de pottenbakkerij, niet echt spectaculair, en de musea, die pas om 10 uur open gaan dus vertrek om 8 uur is aan de vroege kant.De mansion is al enige tijd gesloten volgens Carlos. Lunch in het park, Hidden Garden, was prima.

    Laoag hebben wij niet meer bezocht daar we via de Paoay Church rechtstreeks naar het vliegveld zijn gereden.

    Carlos was een prima chauffeur, reed zeer veilig en was aangenaam gezelschap. Hij wist ons ook heel veel te vertellen over de Filipijnen. Hij was zeer flexibel en probeerde het maximale voor ons er uit te halen. Heel blij waren wij dat hij elke keer weer de juiste plaatsen wist te vinden voor de mooiste foto’s.

    Wij hebben het redelijk goed getroffen met het weer.

    Hans dank voor de organisatie van deze trip. Wij hebben er van genoten. Wij zijn altijd bereid om anderen te adviseren.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

    Paul, Emilie en Wigger Tims

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